A vacancy has arisen on the HSRA Board following the departure of Andy Hubbard at the end of his current term of office. Azam Zaidi has been nominated as a candidate for the vacancy. Additional nominations are also invited.
Any member who would either like to volunteer to be an HSRA Board Member, or who would like to nominate another member as a Board Member should advice the HSRA Secretary by clicking the following link and sending an email providing the details of their nomination.
Nominations should be sent before the end of the day on Friday January 26. Consistent with HSRA By Laws, nominations will require support from at least two HSRA members in addition to the nominee, and will also be subject to review and approval by the HSRA Board.
The By Laws require that Board Members must be elected by the members, so a special HSRA Members Meeting has been scheduled for this purpose on Thursday February 22 starting 6.30pm at the Met.
Details of the final list of approved nominees for the vacancy will be circulated in advance.