There are total of 12 kids participating at US Junior Championship from Houston. We have junior player representation in 8 out of 10 playing age divisions, only two missing are GU17 and BU17.
- 2 in GU11 (Charlotte Mehnert and Zaina Zaidi)
- 2 in GU13 (Yana Sharma and Kriti Muthu)
- 1 in BU11 (Rishabh Sharma)
- 3 in BU13 (Hadi Hafeez, Huzaifa Ibrahim and Alex Mehnert)
- 1 in GU15 (Tanmai Pathak)
- 1 in BU15 (Marco DeFilippo)
- 1 in GU19 (Daksha Pathak)
- 1 in BU19 (Rohil Bathija)
Coach Hamza Ahmed of MET will be at the tournament supporting kids along with support of 6 parents from Houston who are making the trip to Connecticut. The parents who are making the trip are Azam Zaidi(Father of Zaina), Anuj and Yasmeen Sharma(Parents of Yana and Rishabh), Muthu V. (Father of Kriti), Aditya Pathak( Father of Daksha and Tanmai), John DiFilippo(Father of Marco) and Tahir Hafeez(Father of Hadi Hafeez).
We have 200 percent increase in the participation from Houston, at 2016 US Junior championship there were 4 participants. If Houston Squash keep up this rate of growth and interest in Junior Squash we have wonderful days ahead for Junior Squash in Texas.
Good luck to all junior participants and parents making the trip.