HSRA – Ladder Q3-2017 (Ends on 10/06/17)

My apologies for my delay with the exciting new Q3 season. I havent been in the States the last two months but expecting to go back soon.
Click the links for everything that you need.
  1. Rules and instructions (Read them. Everything is there)
  2. Your box for this season
  3. Your “Player Number” also for this season
  4. Schedule. (Play your matches according to the suggested dates)
  5. Email list. (Sent separately. Please use it with extreme care. Dont share it. We love our privacy)
Remember to wear eye protection and be responsive with emails. The old rule about 3 emails does not apply anymore (See instructions). Play safe, be nice, and have fun!
Reach me out for further questions… (after reading rules and instructions)

Juan Caro

HSRA Ladder Commissioner
Houston Squash Racquets Association